
Lovely Storynory...

Just found a fantastic resource for young readers. I'm sure it's been around for a while, but I'm late to the ball (as usual. *sigh*) The site is called Storynory, and it is a blog that features wonderful story podcasts. Some are about the site's mascot, Prince Bertie and his pond friends. Others are story classics. They have poems too -- I just listened to a wonderful reading of one of my favorite childhood poems, The Owl and the Pussycat by Edward Lear. Now I just need to find the beautiful cartoon I watched long ago on Nickelodeon's Pinwheel...

via the infinite thinking machine

1 comment:

testecarla said...


You mentioned storynory and I work for a school who has been working with it in English classes for teens. Here's our podcast of our Reading Treasures in the classroom with more details http://www.webcastacademy.net/node/1223

You might find useful tips there.

An EFL Brazilian Teacher